Friday, August 28, 2020

UC Students Approach To Affording College Tuition

The UC framework has 9 undergrad schools and regularly rank in the best 20 universities that gets the most applications. Lion's share of these applications are from in-state candidates searching for an opportunity to get an advanced education and a lower cost. Be that as it may, the in-state educational cost is still excessively exorbitant for some understudies to deal with. We comprehend the weight that numerous understudies face and were here to offer some counsel from current understudies at UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCSC, UCR and UCSB: Iron_Man(UC Berkeley ‘19): I applied to MANY grants. Apply to the same number of as you can without turning out to be overpowered; school costs A LOT without grants. Make a point to look at your universities budgetary guide advantages and how to apply, the same number of schools, as UC Berkeley, UCLA, and Northwestern, give undergrad grants that are worth very much. Grants can have the effect between making due through school and flourishing in college.alinette:I didn't start applying for grants until my senior year in secondary school, and this was a grave error. In financing my training, I depended for the most part on the awards and legitimacy grants offered straightforwardly by the college and understudy advances. You should start to search out and apply for grants as quickly as time permits, and the same number of as you qualify forif even scarcely. Take two or three hours in any event once every week to peruse through 10-30 grants and apply for them. Spread out the paper escalated grants with simpler, less tedious ones that require just a short answer or finished review. Destinations, for example, and are extraordinary assets, anyway the most obvious opportunity you will have of obtaining a grant is through nearby assets, for example, your school, neighborhood independent ventures, or your folks organizations. Make a point to habitually check in with your advisor or school assets focus, as nearby associations will be continually including new grant applications. Locally, the candidate pool is a whole lot littler and your odds are accordingly exponentially higher of being picked. Jacky1010(UC Riverside ‘19): I applied for the Cal Grant, grants, and furthermore took out credits. On the off chance that you have the chance to get free cash for school you should take it. In the event that you despite everything have money related need, as for my situation, advances are an extraordinary choice. 499363823546513FB(UC Santa Barbara ’19): My greatest guidance for credits and grants is to begin early. Attempt to make some throughout the late spring and during your school year stay in touch with your school advisor since they can open up a great deal of chances for you. CogsOfSteel:Ill state altogether that I have the advantage of daddys cash. My dad spared and scratched 20 years to pay for my training, thus while paying for Berkeley will be a budgetary press it is one that he can get by without any advances. With my brain involved on getting to lofty privates themselves (and the typically liberal money related guide bundles they give), I didnt buckle down on getting grants. That, I am fast to concede, was a huge mix-up. I have no budgetary blessing help at Berkeley, and I can't in great inner voice put the entirety of that trouble on my dad for the following 4 years. In this way I amand would recommendapplying to an assortment of outside and private grant. kevvasquez(UC Santa Cruz ‘19): I must pressure this as much as possible, apply to the same number of grants as you can!!! I got a better than average measure of money related guide for my first year of school however it isn't sufficient to pay everything. I have to get advances so as to have the option to pay for my school, and trust me that was the exact opposite thing I needed to do. It is startling reasoning how you are going to pay for school, particularly when you are new in this circumstance. Go to your schools profession focus and request grant data, go see your advisor so they can advance your hunt in money related guide; go to sites like,, (and so on.). I lament not holding a candle to the current situation to the same number of grants as I could have applied to, yet you new seniors have a lot of time to at present apply and get some cash to help pay for educational cost additionally offers a $5000 grant, so dont pass up a major opportunity out on yourchance! Regardless of whether you’re simply beginning your quest or you’re searching for help applying, it’s never too soon to make the school application process easier.Searchto discover understudies like you orcontact a mentorfor help with the affirmations procedure so you can limit your decisions and get a head start.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Abiotic And Biotic Characteristics Environmental Sciences Essay

Abiotic And Biotic Characteristics Environmental Sciences Essay San Francisco Bay has kept up a wonderful waterway and use to continue the economy of Western United States and San Francisco Estuary in Bay in is vital in light of the fact that through this an enormous number of water depleting gets conceivable. Its Estuary from where new water meets to the ocean water. There are numerous contaminations that we face in our every day life for example earth, dregs, oil, oil, treats pesticides synthetic compounds and so forth the water running from the land conveying these poisons to underground and at last this compass to the Estuary of san Francisco. These poisons when reach in stream and ocean water can contaminate the entire water and demonstrate unsafe for sea-going life as it tends to be cause hurt for wetland animals like fish, and can demonstrate extremely perilous for different environments of water. It can annihilate the amphibian framework and can be significant dangers for the living creature living submerged. As San Francisco Estuary considered as a significant locale and has a lot of financial significance so for counteraction of contamination and be careful this area from other various components reclamation and protection is utilized. Abiotic and biotic attributes of the San Francisco Estuary A large number of natural components influence the abiotic and biotic qualities of the San Francisco Estuary these incorporate both abiotic and biotic attributes. These elements impacts the life in Estuary in incredible broadens. Non-living components are called abiotic factors which incorporate centralization of oxygen and supplements, saltiness of water and measure of daylight. As these variables have the significant effect on the life in estuary. Every single living variable that influence the estuary are called biotic components. That incorporates makers customers and predators as makers are of fundamental significance for purchasers. Purchasers depend on makers and predators depend on shoppers. So these are rely upon each other to keep up the parity of estuary, Populace development in the San Francisco Bay region influenced the estuary Expanding pattern of populace in San Francisco Bay region influenced the estuary as expanding pattern of populace cause a surge in urban just as on town regions. More the individuals are utilizing the recourses more the waste is making and much utilization of water and water squander from its utilization make contamination as a significant part of the dirtied water is depleted through the underground approaches to Estuary that is an extraordinary danger for the marine life. Increasingly over as of late 40,000 metric huge amounts of toxins enter the Bay every year from agribusiness and urban spillover. Streams, climatic aftermath, city sewage treatment plants, mechanical offices, characteristic and fake disintegration, illicit freedom, digging and dug material removal, marine vessel releases, unplanned spills, and landfill leakage are causing issues too. (1) Natural surroundings crack in the San Francisco Estuary been expanded by human conduct Estuaries is critical for us as these are utilized for food, exchange and for cover and for this situation Sans Francisco Bay has extraordinary significance as it is utilized as harbor for some boats of this districts. There are enormous number of plants and creatures found in Estuaries and the greater part of populace of San Francisco Bay rely upon these marine lives for their food. In any case, because of the contamination spreading by increment in populace cause damage to these plants and creatures. This contamination can make harm the lives of these plants and creatures found in estuaries. Substantial heap of residue, waste, and silt by disintegration and compound defilement cause can end up being hurtful for these plants and creatures and can make suffocation for them. Because of increment in water system or by making more dams by the individuals can cause issues as more the salty water will move upstream as contrast with typical schedule that can cause damaging ramification for species living in the water. The most significant effect of human populace in estuaries natural surroundings in San Francisco is the improvement of estuaries. Individuals are attempting to get extend the zone of estuaries for advancement reason as they are very intrigued to utilize the land for lodging and business reason as they need to need to use the locale of estuaries for mechanical turn of events. Financially estuaries are useful for these reasons yet this can caused the lost of enormous number of natural surroundings found in these estuaries. So it is destructive for the water species and become the reason for Habitat crack in the San Francisco Estuary. Sea-going Nuisance Species (ANS) is moving the living being across America and around the world. This marvels is expanding that cause mischief to local fish and natural life in various manners as it upset the whole food web and mess up human life movement too for example disturbing the water conveyance and affecting the agribusiness also. Protection being utilized to advance and keep up the biodiversity of plants and creatures in the San Francisco Estuary Biodiversity of plants and creatures implies scope of life forms including various plants and creatures, present in natural framework. It is imperative to advance and keep up the biodiversity of plants and creatures to get the wide assortment of life form that will be advantageous and use to satisfy human needs. San Francisco Estuary is vital for the territory of this district as they get significant advantages from them so to spare this and to get by from the loss of species found in these estuaries it is essential to appropriately mange and build up the framework to escape from the loss of marine species too. Estuary of San Francisco Bay is vital in everywhere throughout the world. To make sure about it from un outstanding wonders and broaden the beneficial utilization of it The San Francisco Estuary Partnership (SFEP) is assuming significant job as they have utilized various ways to deal with decrease the effect of Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS). They have begin to consider species the board plan I request to recoup the types of Estuary from unsafe impacts. Fish in the estuary need oxygen to endure so the estuary where there is expanded contamination that is causing lost of marine life , Submerged amphibian vegetation (SAV) produces oxygen for fish breathing and to diminish the contamination. The Sans Francisco Bay protection and improvement commission (2) arranged an arrangement to make and actualize the strategies for the advancement of Bay and to use the most extreme advantages from them. The Sans Francisco Bay arrangement is made and actualized by this commission in 1968. The significant discussion of this arrangement was identified with shore line and seaside zones to use it to their most extreme potential. Protection of fish and other amphibian living being is in particular rely upon the oxygen that is given to these living beings, new water, accessibility of nourishment for these creatures, adequate zone of rearing and nature of water. On the off chance that these variables are sorted out in legitimate manner, at that point it got conceivable to keep up and improve the biodiversity of plants and creatures of Sans Francisco estuary. The Sans Francisco Bay protection and advancement commission has found a way to reestablish these segments so as to guarantee the advantages for the group of people yet to come of these fish, and other untamed life of estuary. This commission additionally gives suggestions in Bayland Ecosystem natural surroundings Goal Report about the decent variety of territory o upgrade the assortment of sea-going plants and creature species. The Baylands Ecosystem living space Goal Report attempts to give the significant data about the sorts, sum, and circulation of wet lands and its natural surroundings that are expected to keep up a sound eco framework. End San Francisco Estuary is critical as this is a change zone among watershed and sea and monetarily this framework has incredible significance for that locale that is the explanation of reclamation of this estuary. Many activity plans has made for the turn of events, advancement and support of these Estuary and a lot more activity plans are normal in not so distant future for additional improvement of this environment.

Phobias Essay

Fears Essay Free Online Research Papers My heart begins to race. It has an inclination that it will detonate. My throat closes and Im experiencing difficulty relaxing. My palms are perspiring now, and my head is discombobulated. I have a feeling that I may fall, I need to run, however I dont know where This response is an approach to portray what individuals feel when they are experiencing a fear. A fear is an exceptional, crazy measure of dread of something or a circumstance that is a long way from what truly could occur. Fears influence individuals all things considered. The National Institute of Mental Health has expressed that 5.1%-12.5% of all Americans experience a type of fear. They are the most well-known mental disease among ladies all things considered and men more than 25. At the point when somebody has a fear, they begin to feel frenzy, fear, or on edge when they are close to what they fear and they feel assuaged when they maintain a strategic distance from it. There is a fear for pretty much everything. In any case, psychological wellness experts bunch them into three classes. Explicit, social and marketplace. The two fears I will examine are on the whole explicit fears. Explicit fears are straightforward and the most widely recognized. A greater amount of us are going via plane nowadays, however that doesnt mean well appreciate the outing. A United carriers gigantic fly hit monstrous air choppiness over the pacific, executing one lady and harming 102 individuals. A news report like this can be everything necessary to have the dread to fly. One of the most widely recognized fears on the planet is dread of flying. Acrophobias mostly stress that the plane could crash, and they may bite the dust. US show frightful flyer program is an extraordinary method to defeat aerophobia. Consistently US pretense offers this program in urban communities over the US. These classes are instructed by a clinical social laborer, and a pilot, that help individuals through flying training, unwinding methods, and a short flight. A lady named Hillary chose one day to attempt a treatment similar to the program offered by US show. As a child, Hillary wanted to go on planes. I cherished the smell of fly fuel, the peanuts, the playing a card game, the free jars of coke clarifies Hillary. At some point, when she was around twenty, she was on a rough flight and started to freeze. She was apprehensive she was going to bite the dust during the flight. From that point forward, she attempted various things to support her through a flight, for example, conveying rabbit's feet or sitting in specific spots on the plane. After four years, she understood that she had a fear and taken a crack at a three-day workshop called opportunity from dread. The objective of her gathering of twelve individuals was to fly from New York to Boston and back by the third day of the workshop. They learned specialized data about flying, and rehearsed approaches to dispose of their feelings of trepidation, for example, breathing and unwinding. They likewise investigated the controls, opened the entryways and windows and strolled around on the plane to feel progressively good. On the third day everybody took the excursion and did fine. After different trips from that point forward, Hillary says she isn't obsessed with flying, however its not as awful a preceding. Along these lines, were not all terrified of something very similar, however you realize that feeling, when your reluctant for a brief instant at the tip of a precarious track after a long, slow ascension. You know whats going to occur and theres no real way to maintain a strategic distance from it now. You grasp the handrail, palms perspiring, heart beating and support yourself for the wild ride down. The greater part of us have encountered that unexpected surge of dread, and receive a rush in return. However, individuals who experience the ill effects of Coaster fear, the dread of thrill rides, attempt to stay away from it. Things being what they are, would could it be that you have that extraordinary, strange measure of dread for? Fears influence individuals everything being equal, so youre not the only one. There are treatments out there to help. Why live your entire live abstaining from something you may have delighted in? Research Papers on Phobias EssayNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NiceThe Hockey GameHip-Hop is ArtThe Spring and AutumnEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenMind Travel19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesTwilight of the UAW

Friday, August 21, 2020

Mexican Americans in American Popular Culture Essay Example for Free

Mexican Americans in American Popular Culture Essay Modern diversion media made certain pictures and generalizations of Latin, Asian and other ethnic minorities living in our nation. American film motion pictures, TV arrangement or even PC games for the most part picture the individuals from Latin and Mexican societies as forceful tempered mustached folks, who smoke and battle a ton, and who are constantly associated with sedate dispersion or some crimes. This propensity had exceptionally adverse consequences for our brains, and a large number of our residents are persuaded that there are no informed, acceptable mannered and not too bad individuals in Mexican people group. I was continually asking why it happens along these lines, and concentrating some notable material, including the articles from the site Digital History, helped me to discover a few answers on this inquiry. This inclination demonstrated to have a long history and it was shaped during the second and the third many years of the twentieth century, when Hollywood makers began communicating their anxiety and fears brought about by the afflux of gifted Mexican entertainers, including Lupe Velez or Dolores Del Rio, their prosperity and open acknowledgment in the US. That is the reason numerous entertainers of Latin source were given the jobs of crooks, criminals and other not appealing characters. After the World War II various motion pictures were created, in which the executives attempted to reestablish the picture of Mexican Americans, yet after the 1960s, when the issues of unlawful movement from the South got topical, caricaturizing the Mexicans proceeded. During the most recent decades, negative characters of Hispanic beginning have been showing up in numerous well known film motion pictures or TV arrangement, beginning from Chico and the Man and completion with 24. Likewise, an extraordinary commitment to fortifying the mutilated pictures of the Mexicans was made by a progression of famous computer games Grand Theft Auto (GTA). As I would see it, this circumstance is truly dejecting, and I am persuaded that ongoing endeavors of Mexican craftsmen to exhibit their actual social personality and one of a kind particular legacy must be upheld in our general public, and their ethnic voices must be heard.

Its Time to Change the Flag of Mississippi :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays

It's Time to Change the Flag of Mississippi Albeit numerous enterprises have contributed enormous aggregates of cash to battle for another Mississippi banner, that would supplant the current 1894 Confederate banner and improve monetary and racial relations all through the state, odds are thin that a change will happen. Numerous Mississippians are essentially not prepared for change and barely any African-Americans are really pushing for a change. Numerous Mississippians see the first banner as a major aspect of the state’s legacy and would prefer not to supplant it with another one. Be that as it may, I trust it is to the greatest advantage of the province of Mississippi to change the banner, not exclusively to ease racial strains, yet in addition to support monetary conditions. A few enterprises have been attempting to crusade for the change to the new banner. As indicated by Douglas Blackmon, in the Wall Street Journal, previous Netscape official and local Mississippian Jim Barksdale contributed practically 30% of the cash for the new banner exertion. Mr. Barksdale’s worry for the state’s monetary and racial issues propelled him to help crusade for the new banner (Blackmon A22). Barksdale fears for Mississippi’s monetary future if the change isn't made to the new proposed banner, states Blackmon (A22). Blackmon says Barksdale’s message was â€Å"that the state ought to roll the dissident banner not out of disgrace for its past however so that Mississippi’s monetary advancement won’t be hamstrung by out of line implications with gatherings, for example, the Ku Klux Klan† (A22). At the end of the day, individuals around the country see the first 1894 banner as Mississippi’s method for sticking to the pa st. Thusly, organizations would be more averse to put and extend their partnerships in the state. Potential employments would be lost. In U.S. News and World Report, Michael Schaffer says, â€Å"Business and social equality pioneers had contended that jettisoning a banner related with racial oppression would draw in potential financial specialists now reluctant to open for business in an express that still emblematically hails the Confederacy† (30). In view of this, conceivable financial open doors could be lost as consequence of not changing the banner. Another outcome from a hesitance to change the banner structure would be expanded racial pressures. It's Time to Change the Flag of Mississippi :: Argumentative Persuasive Essays It's Time to Change the Flag of Mississippi Albeit numerous partnerships have contributed enormous totals of cash to battle for another Mississippi banner, that would supplant the current 1894 Confederate banner and improve financial and racial relations all through the state, odds are thin that a change will happen. Numerous Mississippians are just not prepared for change and barely any African-Americans are really pushing for a change. Numerous Mississippians see the first banner as a feature of the state’s legacy and would prefer not to supplant it with another one. Be that as it may, I trust it is to the greatest advantage of the territory of Mississippi to change the banner, not exclusively to ease racial strains, yet in addition to help financial conditions. A few organizations have been attempting to battle for the change to the new banner. As indicated by Douglas Blackmon, in the Wall Street Journal, previous Netscape official and local Mississippian Jim Barksdale contributed practically 30% of the cash for the new banner exertion. Mr. Barksdale’s worry for the state’s financial and racial issues roused him to help crusade for the new banner (Blackmon A22). Barksdale fears for Mississippi’s monetary future if the change isn't made to the new proposed banner, states Blackmon (A22). Blackmon says Barksdale’s message was â€Å"that the state ought to roll the radical banner not out of disgrace for its past yet so that Mississippi’s monetary advancement won’t be hamstrung by uncalled for meanings with gatherings, for example, the Ku Klux Klan† (A22). As such, individuals around the country see the first 1894 banner as Mississippi’s method for sticking to the past. Thus, organizations would be less inclined to put and grow their partnerships in the state. Potential employments would be lost. In U.S. News and World Report, Michael Schaffer says, â€Å"Business and social liberties pioneers had contended that discarding a banner related with racial oppression would draw in potential speculators now reluctant to open for business in an express that still emblematically hails the Confederacy† (30). In light of this, conceivable financial open doors could be lost as aftereffect of not changing the banner. Another outcome from a hesitance to change the banner plan would be expanded racial pressures.

Monday, June 29, 2020

The Many Accomplishments of Thomas Jefferson s Presidency - Free Essay Example

Many recognize Thomas Jefferson as a man of various accomplishments during his service to the United States of America. Many of these accomplishments were achieved during his presidency. From acquiring much of present-day United States territory in the Lousisiana Purchase and supporting the expedition of it ( to authoring the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson was known as one of the greastest presidents of the country. He was also known for his ever-changing relationship with John Adams ( and his ideals about freedom of all kinds. His beliefs changed the ways of the United States, shaping it into the country it is today. Jefferson’s first term of presidency occurred at the same time of conflict between the Barbary pirates and American traders. ( The traders had been illegally bribing the pirates to protect them while they traveled oceans considered their property. Jefferson ended the bribery by starting the First Barbary War. In this war, the US military restored control of the oceans back to the government. Another highly acknowledged event during Jefferson’s first term of presidency was the Lousisiana Purchase. ( Jefferson had always been interested in expanding United States territory. To do this, he made a transaction with Napoleon Bonaparte and purchased land now mostly located in present-day central United States. The purchase not only expanded the United States, but also ended conflict over the Mississippi River due to navigation rights. Now that the United States land had been greatly extended, Jefferson wanted it explored to gain information on the Natives, languages, geography, and for scientific research. He also had hopes of creating new trade routes along that land as well as finding a link between the Columbia and Missouri rivers. The link would give better access to ports and eastern cities. The expedition was journeyed by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark. ( During his second term of presidency, Jefferson faced tougher challenges and decisions that would determine the course of the nation. One of these challenges was the rising tension between the United States with Britian and France. In order to keep the nations from colliding into war, Jefferson made his best attempt at remaining neutral and refusing to express neither support nor opposition. Toward the end of his second term, he encountered a raging controversy that ended up being responsible for his resignation. It was known as the Chesapeake-Leopard Affair, and it involved British captains escaping and turning themselves in to join an American ship, the USS Chesapeake, while the British and French were fighting each other to block supplies coming in from the United States. A battle ensued when the ship Leopard opened fire and caused the USS Chesapeake to surrender after it lost some of its soldiers to injury or death. Americans urged Jefferson to take action against Britain as a re sult of its disrespect toward the United States, with one of the options being to wage war. Instead, Jefferson imposed the Embargo Act, which cut off all trading and shipping relations with both Britain and France. However, the embargo backfired since it was too difficult to enforce and detrimental to industry. ( Following his succesful eight-year presidency, Jefferson retired to his Virginia home, where he continued to nourish his passions for learning and public service. He spent much of his time conducting various experiments and even taking up invention. He prided himself in founding the University of Virginia, for which he designed the campus and curriculum and selected the faculty. It proved to be a satisfying finish to Jefferson’s long, dedicated work to improve the lives of United States citizens. ( However, Jefferson suffered immense debt all throughout his retirement as a result of economic problems in the country. ( As a plantation owner, he was no stranger to debt, but it was worsened by decreasing prices of land and agriculture. The War or 1812 was also partially responsible for his financial distress due to the following economic recession. While in retirement, Jefferson kept in contact with all his friends, including former rival John Adams. Their relationship had its ups and downs, mainly due to their opposing opinions on a variety of matters. For example, Adams believed in a strong central government, while Jefferson supported states’ rights over government power. (https://www.cnn.comjohn-adams-thomas-jefferson-frenemies) Despite their contrasting beliefs, they were what brought them together in the end. On July 4, 1826, John Adams lay on his deathbed and said his final words, â€Å"Thomas Jefferson still survives.† Unfortunately, he was mistaken: Jefferson had died hours earlier. ( Thomas Jefferson was an iconic figure in the history of the United States. His presidency inspired the young United States to have stronger beliefs about their government. He had firm beliefs in freedom of all kinds, from religion to the structure of the government itself. Jefferson declared this freedom in the Declaration of Independence with the statement of the peoples’ unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. With these rights, people gained new ideas about their freedom as citizens. Jefferson also changed executive power by prioritizing self-preservation over government control. To him, the importance of rights rose above any other concern. However, his belief in rights has been turned against him numerous times for a hypocritical statement that all men are created equal. He infamously owned hundreds of slaves–many of whom were never freed–despite his dismal attitudes toward its existence.( -and-legacy) This contradiction undermined his success as a leader. He proclaimed freedom and rights to the American people, but was unwilling to give them to over six hundred slaves who worked on his Virginia plantation. He did free a few slaves, but they were a result of his favoritism toward the Hemings family, not to mention he was having an affair with Sally Hemings, with whom he had at least six children. ( All backlash aside, Jefferson is difficult to ignore in the politics and society of the modern United States. His ideals and principles are embedded in our documents and present-day leaders. He was an advocate for governmental, religous, and cultural freedom and diversity. As our modern ideas of politics have changed, so has Jefferson’s reputation. (Appleby 134) He differed from other presidents in the fact that he had the idea for the future of the country, rather than others who merely had character or elegance, but no idea. (Lern er 121) Jefferson is the model for the human experience, â€Å"the thirst for knowledge, the capacity to create, the love of family and friends, the applause of the world, the marshaling of power, the bending of others to one’s own vision.† (Meacham 499) Had he been only a diplomat or philosopher or any of the roles in which he displayed his versatility, he would not have set this example to the United States and the world. Jefferson believed in the American experiment, and he inspired others to do the same. As the nation was still growing and figuring out an identity for itself, he gave people new ideas about their freedoms and natural rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These beliefs of his have certainly earned him a place among Washington, Kennedy, Lincoln, and all the greatest presidential leaders of the United States. (Lerner 120-121) However, Jefferson was accused of disregarding traditions held by the Federalists and being a generally flawed character, somehow balancing fairness and hypocrisy. (Appleby 133) Much of his career did not come easy, even after his presidency. ( The conflicts he faced and the way he conquered them shaped history and how the United States is governed today. He spent his entire life dedicating himself to public service to his beloved nation, even after his professional career with the foundation of the University of Virginia and bringing new inventions into existence and improving upon current ones. ( There is no doubt that Thomas Jefferson was and will forever continue to be one of the greatest political figures of all time.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Using Persuasive Argumentative Essay Topics

Using Persuasive Argumentative Essay Topics The topic is just one of the most crucial deciding factors which will have an influence on the results of the caliber of the essay. Contradictive Your topic should stir a selection of opinions among the general public. It's possible to select an intriguing topic from any area of science. You may want to take a fantastic argumentative topic that's currently a popular issue or one that has adequate relevance in todays times. Persuasive Argumentative Essay Topics Options You will discover a range of argumentative essay topics but picking the perfect one might be the basic and the very first step to compose an influential essay. Since you may see, there's a multitude of different argumentative paper titles it's possible to utilize. You may continue to keep your argumentative essays for your upcoming job portfolio in case they're highly graded. You just have to order a great essay from experts with the greatest academic degrees in a number of fields. What Persuasive Argumentative Essay Topics Is - and What it Is Not One of the greatest strategies to change anybody's mind is with an emotional investment. It's not sufficient to select a topic which everybody agrees on. When it has to do with writing an argumentative essay, the main point to do is to select a topic and an argument you may really get behind. The very first thing you ought to do is identify the sort of compare and contrast essay which you are handling. There are lots of aspects about a sport which can be argued in an essay. Read the list and stay in mind that interesting topics are a perfect way for an intriguing assignment. Below you'll find certain instructions about how to compose a comparison essay on any topic, which is well written and are going to have great opportunity to acquire a high grade. Argumentative essay topics are so important since they are debatableand it's essential to at all times be critically contemplating the world around us. You must have skills to compose a fantastic essay. Argumentative essays are a few of the best that you can write as a student. By definition, it's an essay that is usually written by students in nearly every area of study. Numerous on-line posts and videos can be utilised in work. So now you are aware of how to pick the best compare and contrast topics and the various segments which you require to address when writing. It isn't difficult to view and find quite a few ideas on line. It is simple to discover numerous amazing ideas online. Your reader needs to be convinced your argument is valid. So be certain that you select a subject, which has values in it. Arguments always occur in a particular context. Finding the most suitable arguments will allow you to prove your point and win. There are many approaches that could help you to select a topic. So long as you're genuinely interested in this issue and have some great comprehension of the matter, you can choose the topic for the argumentative essay. Quite frequently, the ideal topic is one which you truly care about, but you also will need to get well prepared to research it. Lucky for you, there are several topics you could concentrate on when writing and it's all your responsibility to ascertain the precise topic that you would like to build on. Researching the topic will enable you to find out more about what fascinates you, and should you pick something you really like, writing the essay will be more enjoyable. To do so, you need to get a guide to compose the very best essay on the selected topic. You wonder if you were able to just locate an essay for sale online. Every amazing essay starts with a fantastic brainstorm. The above mentioned compare and contrast essay topics are only a few of many topics it is possible to decide to go over in your essay. Thus, you can ask all the essential questions and consult on some points. There are many possible compare and contrast essay topics, and a number of them are tricky to perform.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Reflection Of Self Reflection - 804 Words

During the duration of this course and the numerous discussions initiated in lecture, I have been able to utilize the concepts proposed in class to further my intellectual development and thinking. While many concepts have been discussed in class, the topic of secondary witnessing was the one I could relate to the most. Just like Art Spiegelman, I am a second-generation witness to my fathers life post-Vietnam war. I am a part of the generation that will continue to transmit my fathers war stories to future generations. I am witness to the Vietnam war in terms of how it affected survivors, such as my father, even though I didnt live through that experience myself, tying in the concept of post-memory as well. I first learned about my†¦show more content†¦My father often has a bad temper, even when it seemed like everything is going well. I never understood why my father never appeared happy. I witnessed my dad become a raging alcoholic, which only worsened his temper. After discussing the significance of traumatic events in class, I truly able to understand the strength that PTSD can have on many individuals, causing them to seek out various methods of relief, both good and bad. You often hear about these issues in society, but personally witnessing it as a second generation provides a different perspective on the matter. Growing up, I had to come to terms with my race, nationality, and religion. I was the first person in my family to be born in the United States. While I quickly became Americanized, I never forgot about my origin. To this day, I still speak fluent Vietnamese to my parents because they dont understand English. When I was 10, I went grocery shopping with my parents. While we were checking out, I had to translate what the cashier was saying for my parents. I can vividly recall this Caucasian women behind us muttering to herself, Its fucking America, speak English for gods sake. At such a young age, I didnt understand why someone would ever say anything like that and why no one jumped in to defend my family. To a lesser degree, I can relate to how the victims of the Holocaust felt because I have beenShow MoreRelatedSelf Reflection : Self-Reflection1436 Words   |  6 PagesSelf-Reflection This spring semester I have evolved as a writer and reader. This course has refreshed my memory with basic essential writing techniques and it has made me more proficient when it comes to writing. When it came to writing essays, I use to be so scared to turn them in. I was never a good writer and composing an essay was usually extremely tough. I would have multiple people proofread my essays, but I still doubted my work. Now when it comes to writing essays I feel more confidentRead MoreReflection On Self Reflection809 Words   |  4 PagesSelf-Reflection The purpose of this paper is to explain how I will plan to implement effective choices in improving a change in personal behavior and the improvement tours my fitness attitude. Wellness has a broader definition, than health, which it’s definition is the absence of disease and wellness is defined as the optimal health and vitality to living a healthy and fulfilling life. Also, is a process in which we become aware and we make choices to a better lifestyle. Maintaining an excellentRead MoreReflection Of Self Reflection And Self Restraint962 Words   |  4 Pagesthe new moon. This month is fundamentally a time where followers of the Islamic give up food, drinks, sex, smoking etc. for the main purpose of self reflection and self restraint. Prominent practices during Ramadan include, sawm, praying and reciting the Quran. All of the previously mentioned practices are believed to connect to spiritual reflection, self improvement and increased worship. Fasting during the month of Ramadan is both a duty and a great worship. The fast otherwise known as sawm whichRead MoreReflection And Self Reflection1648 Words   |  7 PagesReflection is not only about pondering over past event and related to it emotions, actions, thoughts, or approaches, but also about interpreting everything for the purpose of learning from it and understanding it better. Reflection shall help individuals to challenge themselves, their behaviors, and feelings. The aim is to be more critical about own experiences and own persona, to think about person’s strong and weak sides (Paterson, Chapman, 2013). To reflect on my feelings, thoughts and workRead MoreReflection Paper On Self Reflection757 Words   |  4 PagesSelf-Reflection paper I cannot help but think how useful this course has been. Reflecting on the content covered over the course of this semester I have seen growth, and how changes on my lesson plan that not only benefited every student but also changed my focused in using different methods of instruction to fit the needs of every individual student. I truly enjoyed that the course was divided into main topics to help me grow on a professional level. Each topic attempted to provide specific examplesRead MoreReflection On Self Evaluation / Reflections1612 Words   |  7 PagesSelf Evaluation/ Reflections Every one has their subjects that they love and hate, and for it was defiantly writing. Writing is something I dreaded for a long time; I developed my hatred towards writing since probably elementary school. I hate writing when I’m expected to put a spin on a subject that just doesn’t work for me, personally. There are many times when I have papers due and sometimes I feel like I have nothing to say towards the topic. I could write a paragraph but to continuously writeRead MoreReflection On Self Assessment Reflection Essay759 Words   |  4 PagesCoton Staver MGT394 - Taylor Self-Assessment Reflection 7 a) Resistance to Change b) I had an RTC Score of 2.94, which means that I have average rating when it comes to resistance-to-change. I scored the following in each area: Routine Seeking- 2.20, Emotional Reaction- 4.00, Short-term Focus- 2.50, and Cognitive Rigidity 3.25. c) Strengths: When it comes to strengths, I scored lower in the Routine Seeking and Short-term Focus categories. Therefore, I have lower resistance to these two areasRead MoreReflection Paper On Self Reflection1007 Words   |  5 PagesSelf-Reflection is very important it is just a matter of taking your time to think things out. In every situation that everybody is going through it’s important to stop and take a moment to reflect. I try to always stop and think before I do or say something that is going to harm me. Not only does it work to reflect when you are going through a fight. It’s important to reflect on school such in assignments and have better grades. Self-Reflection is going to make you a better person and help you makeRead MoreReflection Paper On Self Reflection1514 Words   |  7 PagesSelf-Reflection paper I cannot help but think how useful this course has been. Reflecting on the content covered over the course of this semester I have seen growth, and how changes to my lesson plan have not only benefited every student, but also changed my focused on using different methods of instruction to fit the needs of every individual student. I truly enjoyed that the course was divided into main topics to help me grow on a professional level. Each topic attempted to provide specific examplesRead MoreReflection Paper On Self Reflection802 Words   |  4 Pages07 September 2017 Self-Reflection Self-Reflection is very important it is just a matter of taking your time to think things out. In every situation that everybody is going through it’s important to stop and take a moment to reflect. I try to always stop and think before I do or say something that is going to harm me. Not only does it work to reflect when you are going through a fight. It’s important to reflect in school such in assignments and have better grades. Self-Reflection is going to make

Friday, May 15, 2020

The Fix For Crime - 1475 Words

The Fix for Crime in Our Society It appears that crime has been on the increase over the last one hundred years, as The Judeo-Christian values have been taken out of schools and people’s lives. Back in the early 1900s people went to church on a regular basis. It appears that back then there was less crime and the American society was more civilized at times. These values filtered into schools where more people heard the good news of Jesus Christ. It would appear going back to, teaching about The Judeo-Christian values in schools would lower the crime rate back down. Perhaps then an attitude of grace toward people might develop. Crime is something that affects us all at one time or another. Whether someone stole from you or you find out†¦show more content†¦A hot spot is a person or group of people that are starting to commit small crimes and growing in crime. (1) This is one of the ways some would like to control crime. While this works for the short time you really need to find the source of why they are doing what they are doing. There are some people that are trying to reduce crime that believe crime can be reduced with gun control. (2) Some people say take away the guns and the gun crime disappears, well there is no way to get rid of all the guns which for this one to work would have to happen. Criminals will always be able to get their hands-on guns. And even if one were able to remove all the guns from the criminals and keep them from getting firearms, a criminal can find other weapons to do whatever it was they had planned. A popular saying is Guns don’t kill people, people kill people. There are people on the other side of the issue who believe that giving people incentives, like tax credits to own a gun would help in solving crime (3). Private ownership of guns does deter criminals but, that is all that you are doing. For example, if a man walks into a convenience store with a gun to rob the store, and the store clerk or customer has a gun the criminal may think twice about robbing the store. The problem goes much deeper than just stopping criminals from committing an illegal act with guns, the problem is a heart issue. Reserve police maybe another solution, (4) Reserve police are olderShow MoreRelatedPolice Departments Fix High Crime Rates1935 Words   |  8 Pagesorder, have high crime rates, and crime starts going unpunished and unnoticed. So how do police departments fix high crime rates in these areas? What styles of policing are most efficient in deterring crime? Some officers of the law believe that foot patrol policing is the best style of policing, while others believe that patrol cars are the answer to prevent crime in these areas. Police departments and officers alike; have come up with multiple strategies to deter and prevent crime, and with a newRead More The Holocaust Essays1218 Words   |  5 Pages It is without a doubt that the Holocaust will forever go down in history as one of the most heinous crimes against humanity. Even years after the Nazi leadership, effects of the war still haunt the streets of Germany and the memories of the few survivors still alive today. Hitler and hi s Nazi regime held power in Germany from 1939 until 1945, when they were defeated by the Allied forces (Davenport 10). Within that time, Hitler was responsible for the death of six million Jewish people, and millionsRead MoreHumans are known to all mostly be social creatures, it is their nature.Various things come from1400 Words   |  6 Pagesnature.Various things come from being social, and one very important thing would be civilization, our society. Citizens rely on their society for various things such as relying on each other for support during hard times to keeping their community’s crime rates down. However, what if the society was to crumble and fall because the citizens weren’t strong for an unknown reason? Society is only strong if the citizens who make it up are strong. What would happen then? The community would fall apart andRead MoreA Triumphant Ending For The Hero1344 Words   |  6 PagesJules Vern s, Around the world in Eight Days, the antagonist pos sesses much more than simply being the bad guy in pursuance of the protagonist to impede their clichà © happy ending. Detective Fix, as tenacious and stubborn as he is, offers much more than an antagonist who is fated to meet his doom in the end. Fix exists to drive the plot; diverting the sequence of events to satisfy his interests, rather than existing as a complement to valor. Without his efforts, the account of journey is predictableRead MoreThe Incarceration Rate And Unjust Laws989 Words   |  4 Pagesissues within the prison system today. For example, the high incarceration rate and unjust laws. Over the year, there have been few changes that have been made to repair these problems in our prison system. There are several things we can do to fix these issues. A major problem within the prison system is the high rate of incarnation. According to â€Å"Facts About The Prison System in the U.S†, sixty-six percent of released convicts will end up back in jail. One reason is that the newly releasedRead MoreCriminals Must Be Punished For Breaking The Laws Of The Land1489 Words   |  6 Pagesquestioned whether this system was effective or not. Now, we have shifted our focus onto how much longer our jails will exist due to our lack of resources. The longer we wait to find a solution to mass incarceration the harder the problem will be to fix. Our jails continue to overflow which increases the risk to the safety of our society. To ensure the safety and well-being of our society, we should all become conscious of the diminishing resources, the excessive costs, the criminal justice systemRead MoreIs Incarcerating Youth As Justice? Essay1322 Words   |  6 Pagescommit a crime and lead them to fix their mistake. After I read this article, I understand why teenagers become â€Å"Juvenile Offender† and whether incarcerating help or not. There are two main reasons about why teenagers become juvenile offenders. The first one is mental illness. In their age, they don’t know how to express their emotion and feeling with others, so they end up to have the mental illness and commit the violent crime. In fact, they don’t know what they are doing while they commit crimes. TheRead MoreProblem Definition in Relation to Structure in â€Å"Batman Begins†1600 Words   |  7 Pagescontrasting and drawing comparisons between Gotham City and for a more realistic model, modern Detroit. Gotham city is represented as more than an impoverished state where the info structure is crumbling and the city is going through safety issues as crime syndicates are on the rise. The Problem Definition theory has several aspects to analyze and the expander and container points of view that Bruce must analyze with the traumatic event that occurs in his life. â€Æ' I: Introduction The movie â€Å"Batman BeginsRead MoreThe Modern Civil Rights Movement Began When Rosa Parks,1190 Words   |  5 Pagesmurderer, George Zimmerman, who was acquitted of his crime and dead 17-year old Trayvon was placed on trial for his own murder. The #BlackLivesMatter is to be utilized as a call to action and a response to the hostile anti-black prejudice that permeates our society (blacklivesmatter). A modern civil rights movement today is the BLM movement which strives to address the issues of racial injustice. However, the BLM movement is not effective and will not fix the problems in our legislative system. The movementRead MoreThe History Of Gun Control1605 Words   |  7 Pagesrequired a background check when buying a gun. Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 (often called the â€Å"assault weapons ban†) prohibits the manufacture and sale of semiautomatic assault weapons for 10 years; it also bans ammunition magazines holding more than 10 rounds. Then in 2004 the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act expired. While gun control maybe useful in some situations, stricter gun control creates more crime because criminals will find access to guns no matter

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Tobacco And Its Effects On The United States - 1985 Words

Tobacco use is one of the leading causes of death in the United States, killing more Americans than HIV, drug and alcohol abuse, suicides, murders and car accidents combined. There are numerous campaigns such as D.A.R.E. and â€Å"Swipe Left† to help persuade us out of using tobacco products. Sayings like â€Å"Not even once† have even become clichà ©. However, studies have shown that one cigarette is all it takes to get addicted. Despite popular belief, smokeless tobacco is addictive as well. Big tobacco companies are famous for telling lies. In 1996, the tobacco industry said it was riskier to drink two cups of milk a day than one cigarette. They also said cigarettes were just as addictive as salt, sugar and internet usage. Neither of these are true, as it is the most addictive of all legal drugs. That being said, cigarettes are only the tip of the iceberg to the major problems that tobacco causes. Tobacco products have an astonishing amount of cons, to accompany v ery few, petty pros like â€Å"it makes me feel better for a few minutes.† Not only do cigarettes hurt the smoker, but they hurt the ones closely surrounding the smoker, especially small children. There are also a great deal of unexpected environmental issues that come with tobacco products and its industry, such as deforestation, greenhouse gasses, and fires. Because of these destructive reasons, we propose that all tobacco products should be illegal. Smoking is the leading preventable cause of death in America. The cigaretteShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Tobacco On The United States Essay936 Words   |  4 Pagessmoking and tobacco use can cause cancer and heart disease. They do not look into the future to worry about the consequences. Tobacco use is the leading preventable cause of death in the United States (Persoskie, Donaldson, King, 2016). In this cohort study, there was a research if there was an interest about or ever-utilization of tobacco items among the US middle and high school students changed from 2012 to 2014. The research data came from the 2012 and 2014 National Youth Tobacco Surveys ofRead MoreTobacco And Its Effects On The United States1061 Words   |  5 PagesTobacco is the number one cause of preventable death in the United States. According to the American Lung Association in 2009, 20.6% of adults were current smokers. In 1970, the United States banned television and radio advertisements of cigarettes. Acr oss the world countries battle similar issues in how to help prevent deaths, lower healthcare costs, and educate the population. Countries have banned advertising, posted health causes, renamed brands, and even included informational fliers inRead MoreTobacco Products And Its Effects On The United States876 Words   |  4 Pagesstore, right behind the register after a grocery list has been completed. Tobacco companies are multi-billion dollar industries that thrive on the addiction of its consumers. The United States government should take control of tobacco companies and ban the marketing, production, and sales of tobacco. This is because health issues contributed to the use of tobacco products are overwhelmingly high; they’re very addictive; the effects of second-hand smoke are as harmful as smoking itself; and an alarmingRead MoreTobacco And Its Effects On The Health Of The United States1255 Words   |  6 PagesKing James of England and Scotland, describing smoking in 1604 (Connolly 13). Tobacco use kills millions of people a year but still only has few legal restrictions. Many argue that the use of tobacco is a right we have in the United States but the harm that it does to the innocent may outweigh those rights. Because the use of tobacco negatively impacts the health of both the users and those around them, all tobacco products and their use should be illegal. Often times in history when a new productRead MoreCultivation Of Tobacco And Its Effects On The United States2689 Words   |  11 Pages Up to 1775* Cultivation of Tobacco was the basis of America’s early economy; shortly after, later economy weaved and meshed with the British Empire’s on heavily voluminous levels, and their relationship was strongly based on various Acts placed upon the Colonies. After acquiring seeds from Trinidadian colonies, John Rolfe’s plantation of the tobacco plant caused the first real economic presence by selling them to European countries. The Tobacco plant was the first true cash-crop of AmericaRead MoreIntroduction. Tobacco Use Throughout The United States1254 Words   |  6 Pages Introduction Tobacco use throughout the United States has become an epidemic, not only among adults, but among adolescents as well. People do not realize the effects of tobacco or the consequence of using tobacco among the youth and adolescents. What are the leading factors of adolescents using tobacco? Do peers and parents have an influence on tobacco use among adolescents? Throughout this paper I will discuss the effects of tobacco use, the statistics of tobacco use among adolescents, and otherRead MoreTobacco Should Be Made Illegal Essay1010 Words   |  5 Pagesthan 480,000 deaths each year in the United States. This means about one out of every five deaths is a result of smoking. In addition to outright death, smoking has many detrimental effects on the lives of smokers and those around them. Fires, second-hand smoke, and smoking related motor vehicle accidents all plague the world and those in it. Tobacco should be made illegal because of the horrible consequences it inflicts on smokers a nd non-smokers alike. Tobacco is a plant that grows natively in NorthRead MoreThe Health Benefits Of Tobacco1366 Words   |  6 PagesThe United States’ economy appears large and formidable to foreign countries, but it is actually a delicate balance. One of the key contributors to the balance of the economy is tobacco. Tobacco has played a role in global economic ties since the discovery of the Americas. Instantly popularized across the world, it has become a staple crop for many countries. Recently, however, political leaders have been murmuring of making tobacco illegal due to its health effects. The legality of tobacco is essentialRead MoreTobacco Addiction : The Strong Craving For The Addictive Substance Nicotine1356 Words   |  6 PagesPaul Becker Professor Roger Gosselin English 102 25 October 2015 Tobacco Addiction Tobacco addiction is the strong craving for the addictive substance nicotine. It has caused health problems in millions of people across the country, and its effects are one of the leading causes of death in the United States. I have had many family members develop serious health concerns due to their tobacco addiction and know personally what a horrible thing it is. All of my grandparents have smoked in the pastRead More The Negitive Effects of Tobacco Essay1330 Words   |  6 Pagesgreatest problems in the United States. According to the statistics, tobacco has the highest death rate. Smoking is a very popular habit, even though we all know that smoking is very dangerous. Millions of people around the globe want to quit smoking for medical reasons such as having already two heart-valve replacement surgeries. By now, almost everyone knows that smoking and other tobacco use causes cancer. But it can also cause may more problems. When you smoke tobacco, the effects on your body are immediate

Customer Service Standards at Organisations - 3296 Words

Introduction In this I will explain how customer service standards are planned, implemented and monitored and the impact this has on the operation of Asda. My research will come from the internet, magazines and books. Customer service standards of Asda Refund policies: [pic] Asda informs customers on how to cancel and conditions of cancelling. Asda informs customers on the period on returns Asda has up to 7 days under the delivery distance and 7 to 28 days after delivery products which can not be delivered unless they are faulty, return of damaged, products that might be faulty or information might not be correct. [pic] Asda has the same refund policy as tesco. This good because they are competing with the market leader by†¦show more content†¦Such measures are commonly used to help an organization define and evaluate how successful it is, typically in terms of making progress towards its long-term organisational goals. Some example of qualitative performance indicators in Asda: Sales and profit Asda works out regularly if there sales and profits have increased or decreased. If asda see that that their sales are going down then they start to do promotional offers or special offers to try and make there sales and profit level higher. The customer service standards of asda are high so that will improve their customer service. [pic] This is an example of promotional offers to try and make their sales and profit for Asda go higher. Customer satisfaction surveys Asda do customer service satisfaction surveys to find out customer opinions for example how are their customer service standards in Asda and customer service complaints Asda do customer satisfaction surveys in order to improve their customer service. Also if the profit and sales levels of Asda decrease they can give surveys out to customers in order to make profit and sales levels go high. Employee appraisals Asda do employees appraisals in order to inform their employees on what they have done badly and good and to make improvements on their performance. Asda do this in order to improve employee performance and to improve their customer service. For exampleShow MoreRelatedCustomer Service Essay1247 Words   |  5 Pages1. Organisations that intend to be successful need to design products, services and product/ service bundles to meet customer needs. How can they do this and how can they ensure that the organisation’s plans achieve quality, time and cost specifications agreed with customers? What data and records might be drawn upon to make plans intended to meet customer needs? Organisations that use market research to gather feedback from consumers regarding product design and product/ service bundles tend toRead MoreCustomer Service Essay641 Words   |  3 Pagesby an organisation to communicate with customers to identify and agree on product/ service specifications. It is crucial to be aware that customer expectations and needs will change from time to time and will be affected by market trends, fashions and changes in external environments. This means the business plans need to be adapted to changing needs of customers and is important that organisations communicate with its customers. Profiling is a method to understand the needs of the customers. ProfilingRead MoreThe Importance Of Quality Management Schemes And Strategies Within An Organization1504 Words   |  7 Pagesseeks to deliver high quality service. Torkildsen (2011) defines quality management as, concerning processes that are designed to deliver continuous improvement within an organisation and aim to meet and exceed customer expectations of the product and or service that is being provided. To me Torkildsen’s definition sums up quality management perfectly and shows that the most important aspect of generating success within an organisation is by ensuring that the customers are always happy. FurthermoreRead MoreBSBCUS403B Implement Customer Service Recommendations Report 1058 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Customer Service Recommendations Report Executive summary The purpose of this report is to analyse the customer service system employed at West Dealership of Melbourne Car World. It should be noted that performance management has not been carried out so far this financial year which has no doubt prompted, at least in part, this investigation and the following report. The first quarter data of the 2012 financial and all data available pertaining to customer service operations will be considered.Read MoreCustomer Service Case Study1489 Words   |  6 PagesCase Study Internal Customer Attitudes Student: Date of Submission: Lecturer: Course: Customer Service Management Case Study Internal Customer Attitudes As products and services of various competing interests become increasingly equal in terms of price and quality, organisations have realized that ultimately the deciding factor in increasing or maintaining loyal customers is the commitment of an organisation to customer service strategies such as Total Quality ManagementRead MoreService Management1444 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction The service industry interacts with our lives on a daily basis. Services can be defined as deeds, processes and performances. When considering the differences between products and services, intangibility and the fact that a service cannot be touched, tasted, viewed or tried on are terms often used (McColl-Kennedy Kiel 2000). Services differ from goods in essentially four ways: (1) intangibility; (2) inseparability; (3) heterogeneity; (4) perishability (Kotler, Brown, Adam, BurtonRead MoreFood and Beverage Service Standard1469 Words   |  6 PagesCOLLEGE OF HOTEL MANAGEMENT | | TRANG NGUYEN 000884493Mr. RICHARD HUNTER 16/08/12 | [BBHM102: Food and Beverage Service Standards] | Assessment 1: Service Quality Standards | Table of Contents Introduction: 3 Body: 4 Conclusion 6 REFERENCES: 7 Executive Summary The report’s aim is designed to examine the five fundamental concepts of food and beverage service quality standards for a commercial hospitality operation and hence recommendations can be review to enhance the service’s qualityRead MoreAssessment 21997/01 Common Business Unit Establish Legal and Risk Management Requirements for Small Business (Bsbsmb401A) Customer Service Questions961 Words   |  4 PagesEstablish legal and risk management requirements for small business (BSBSMB401A) Customer service questions 1. What’s the difference between internal and external customers? In larger organisations where there is a number of staff to effectively deliver a service or product such as a hospital, you would find internal and external customers. For instance the IT department in a hospital would have many internal customers, as they help and support all departments to have consistently up to date, correctRead MoreBusiness Functions Of An Organization1476 Words   |  6 Pagesfunctions of an organisation mainly influenced through the threat of new entrants, the organizations have to make effective business actions or processes or products and services so that any new company faces severe barrier to enter in the market (Baines, et al 2011). If the establishment of new organisation in a business environment is easy, any new company can open their shops very easily. Furthermore, when the market rules and regulations are easy and friendly for the organisation to open the businessRead MoreCustomer Service1387 Words   |  6 Pagesunderstanding of customer service for Diploma in Customer Service Level 3. Learning Outcome 1: Be able to follow their organisation’s accepted customer service language Assessment Criteria: 1.1 Communicate to customers their organisation’s service offer, how it balances organisational and customer needs and how it meets customer expectations 1.2 Compare the service offers of commercial, public sector and third sector organisations and how they each meet customer expectations 1.3

Beck -Sea Change free essay sample

â€Å"Sea Change† is a sharp divergence from Becks previous albums and offers another dimension from which to view the musician. Most noticeably, it is almost entirely acoustic. There are no electric beats, no grinding guitar, just Beck singing and strumming. Strings and sound effects are used to accentuate the existing music, not mask it. Unlike several of Becks previous efforts (most notably the 1999 â€Å"Midnite Vultures†), this album has a very somber, often morose tone. The song â€Å"Already Dead† contains lyrics like â€Å"Time wears away/All the pleasures of the day Days fade to black/In the light of what they lack.† A majority of this album seems to focus on the pain that Beck has endured because of relationships. Thats not to say that the entire album is a sad affair since â€Å"Sunday Sun† and â€Å"Little One† provide a sense of happiness (although this is accomplished through instrumentation, since the lyrics are still not exactly joyful). We will write a custom essay sample on Beck Sea Change or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The opening track, â€Å"The Golden Age,† is one of the best on the CD. There is hope even when things look bleak. â€Å"Sea Change† is one of the most refreshing albums I have heard in a long time. Beck is so honest and open that it should shame plastic pop singers. The listener can feel Becks pain and, although not as often, his optimism. There is nothing fake about these songs, which is what makes the disc so incredible. Be warned, â€Å"Sea Change† will not leave you smiling from ear to ear, but not all music is meant to be cheerful. Some music, like this, is meant to bring us down to earth. Beck has nothing to hide, which is fortunate for the listener.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Critical Incident Analysis free essay sample

Engagement with a service user can be a challenging process which needs to be reflected upon by the individual nurse (van Os et al 2004). When a critical or unique incident arises reflection enables the practitioner to assess, understand and learn through their experiences (Johns, 1995). It was also suggested by Jarvis (1992) that reflection is not just thoughtful practice but a learning experience. This assignment is a reflective critical incident analysis of an engagement encounter on a community placement recently using Gibbs (1998) Reflective Cycle (Appendix 1,3). In maintaining confidentiality (NMC, 2004) and privacy, even for reflective pursuance (Hargreaves, 1997), pseudonyms will be used. I will also further reflect on a teaching session I contacted following this incident. Critical Incident analysis During a recent clinical placement with the local CMHT there was a distress call from parents of a client, Mat. An immediate visit by the two co-coordinators and me, followed without checking, or doing a risk assessment. This visit resulted in aggressive and abusive encounter and Mat was then admitted to hospital, (Appendix 2). This incident is critical to me as it presented a learning opportunity as well as a risk of physical harm to me and the nurses with me. As I look back on this incident there are several issues that relate to the role of the nurse. When I look back at this incident, I felt anxious but my thoughts were that this was a learning experience even when it was clear I was the main focus of the aggressive threats (Fazzone, et al, 2000) I knew I needed to remain calm and to assess for escape routes. I made mental notes of these but still I was not sure and everything was happening so fast and my mentor was already telling us what to do. Being able to remain calm could have help and I feel this was a positive thing. As I reflect if I had panicked visibly this could have encouraged Mat to have a real go. It also helped us to remain in control as we walked out of the house. This could have reassured her parents that the nurses were confident of what they were doing. This incident was bad as an engagement with the client did not go well resulting with the client going into hospital. This is usually distressing for most people although hospital is regarded as a place of safety in these circumstances. Even guidelines to the mental health act (MHA, 1983) acknowledge this that hospital can be distressing to others. On a positive note the situation was handled well and no physical harm was done to anyone. It was also a learning opportunity for me, as I gained an insight and now the opportunity to reflect on relevant issues related to risk assessment and management in the community. When the message was received about Mat, a decision was made promptly to visit. On each planned visit I would get an update and I was expected to find out more about the client as well. This usually focused on risk and other necessary background information which would help me understand the intervention and interactions with that client. I took this to be good practice and put one in an informed position. I don’t recall Rita finding exactly what was going on from the parents neither did we check documentation on his file. There are protocols and guidelines on managing risk in the community and the local team had its own arrangements. A good risk assessment through the CPA process will minimise distress to staff, carers and the patient in service provision in the community (Manthorpe and Alaszewski, 2000). All these are resources which are available and it is the nurse’s responsibility to use or adhere to them. Rita is a senior CPN and knew about this client. Maybe she decided to react straight on the basis of the cues she picked from her short conversation with the parents making use of her clinical experience and knowledge of the service user (Benner, 2001; DOH, 2007). She could have considered the clinical need and prioritised and as this was an emergency, practice and theory rarely converge in these circumstances depending on what you perceive to be the link between practice and theory (Welsh and Swann, 2002). Mat could have felt provoked by three strangers walking into his place. Nurses are expected to respect the client and more so in their own homes. Manley and McCormack (1997) contended that the client should be respected and given autonomy and choice and some do feel aggrieved if this is breached. The situation was different in this case as Mat lived with his parents who had invited us and opened the door for us. But this could appear Mat as clear case of invasion of his privacy or space. Although Mat was clearly unwell I feel seeing a crowd rushing into your house will make anyone uneasy and feel disrespected. When Mat was clearly aggressive Rita informed us to leave. This was logical for safety and as nurses are not to be subjected to abuse. The trust and across the NHS there are ‘zero tolerance policies’ (DH, 1999) on violence to staff. The NMC has also emphasised the need for employers and government to consider the human rights of the nurses while the Healthcare Commission has called for a balanced between protecting the healthcare staff and protecting patients’ rights. (Healthcare Commission, 2007). Without a prior risk assessment this decision could have been meant to create pace and time for risk to be considered. The space created may have been meant to allow space and time for Mat to calm down as well. Under the Health and safety at work (1974) we had responsibility to follow the employer’s safety procedures. I did not see explicit measures and effort being put to de-escalate the situation at that moment. I am of the opinion that this could have helped and saved the stress of involving police and the hospitalisation which followed. I think this way, as by the time they got to hospital I was informed that Mat was apologetic for his attack especially on me. Maybe with a bit of time he could have calmed down. The decision taken by the nurse could have been based on the need to protect the safety not only of the staff and the parents who appeared vulnerable but also for Mat’s safety. Rita could have felt the need to fulfil that requirement of her role duty of care as a nurse (NMC, 2004) and moral duty towards the vulnerable parents. In all this I assumed a back seat role. This was in line with my position as a student as I had to be aware of my limitations (NMC, 2006). I was not sure of how to react, whether to wait for cues from my mentor or to take the initiative was on my mind. On reflection I have to agree with Irving and Hazlett (1999), who observed that working with people with challenging behaviour puts strain on the nurse’s interpersonal skills and weaknesses in this area are more evident in such situations. This could also have helped as I could have reacted in a way to aggravate the situation as I was target in this aggression. Working in a team requires professionals to be aware of each individual’s role and not to contradict one another so I acknowledged that Rita was taking the lead role. In light of the risk posed by Mat a decision was made to involve the police. This is not an easy decision to make if one considers the impact this will have on the client. Even the staff’s time consumed by this can be enormous. In this case Rita had to spend the rest of her day involved on this issue. My mind kept telling me that there could have been an alternative approach somewhere, but Rita could have made the right choice as after MHA (1983) assessments carried out by other professionals; a consultant and ASW, it was felt there was a need for Mat to be in hospital. In decision making Rita might have considered the vulnerability and the stress the parents could have been going through. Nurses also have to look after the interest of the public or carers as in this case (NMC 2004). After reflecting on what transpired on this day I feel there are things that could have been done differently. This does not suggest that anything was done in any wrong way, neither that my suggestions are better. Most of my suggestions are grounded in the benefit of hindsight which might not have been available to Rita at the time. The staff could have taken their time and risk assessed before rushing out to see the client. Rita could have explored about the risk posed from the parents (DH, 2007). This could not have breached any confidentiality and eventually could have helped reduce further distress on all involved. This could clearly have quantified the level of risk and appropriate arrangements for interventions made. This could have involved a full MHA (1983) assessment with the right personnel in attendance. If the risk was high for the parents police could have been involved in the first instance to minimise risk. Policies and procedures are there to give guidelines and they could have proved to save the day in this incident. It is the responsibility of staff to adhere to them (NHS SMS, 2005). Once we were at Mat’s place more effort could have been put to de-escalate the situation or to give him more space to calm down. Mat appeared prepared to talk to Rita and not the rest of us, even if it was on racial grounds. This issue could have been addressed later after he was composed highlighting how his behaviour was inappropriate. NHS SMS, (2007) has emphasised on this in nits guidelines. Since he was unwell benefit of the doubt could have allowed Mat to speak to appropriate staff in the situation and this could have saved hospitalisation or involvement of other professionals. Such positive risk (Morgan 2004) taking could have saved distress on the part of the client and carers and resources of time and number of agencies and professionals involved. Further to positive risk taking, staff from CMHT could have involved the Home Treatment Team. This could have helped Mat to remain at home with an increased level of support as Mat settled down fairly quickly once in hospital. It was also realised that his level of medication was quite a low dose and there were other factors triggering a relapse. HTT team could have given support and assurance to the parents in line with holistic care and moral agency, (Manley and McCormack, 1997). A discussion with the parents could have been considered to ascertain how they felt about Mat staying home with the support from HTT. After being involved in this incident and reflection I have considered several issues as regards my professional position and development. I have identified that risk assessment is varied and circumstantial to the environment. I have to be aware of the risk considerations and then to equip myself with the right skills and tools to meet my responsibilities (Rew and Ferns, 2005). The tools provided such as policies and procedures are there to complement and minimise risk and not to hinder our work. It is my professional duty to be aware of these and make use of them where they are available. As I go into my last clinical placement I will make sure I am aware of these polices and adhere to them. Following the critical incident I carried out a teaching session during my clinical placement which I will reflect upon also using the Gibbs’ Reflect Cycle. Teaching session reflection I planned for a teaching session on Risk Management as an issue I had identified in the incident I reflected upon. This was also a rare incident with this CMHT. Violence to anyone is distressing so when I looked at the role of the nurse as a teacher, RCN (2006) statement on violence and the professional expectations, I felt the need to share my knowledge on the topic. I delivered a presentation on the topic of risk management with focused reference to the incident. The participants were all the 8 staff members who attended the staff meeting for that afternoon. In preparation I encountered encouragement and support from some team members but challenges were also there. In planning the teaching I looked at the subject area and relevance to the prospective audience. The language in terms of jargon and the method of teaching was considered looking at my position as teacher and learner as well as the adult professional participants. I had hoped to use power point but this was not available. The room and timing of the session were determined by doing the session during a weekly staff meeting which provided for teaching or presentation session (appendix 5). From the onset anxiety set in as I was trying to decide what exactly I was going to focus on (Haward, 2004). This was mainly so as I was going to deliver a teaching to people who I was sure knew the subject matter better than me. Awareness of my limitations was glaring me in the face. The subject of risk is such a vast area and being specific can be a mammoth task. This happened early on in my placement and I was still getting familiar with the team. My confidence was low at the start of preparations and on delivering the session. The participants were from different professions including the team manager. It was more difficult as most of my support was from my mentor who happened to be in hospital on the day. On the day of the incident I was given time to reflect on what had happened. This was good for me as this set the ball rolling for the planning and delivering of the teaching session. As part fulfilment my studies I was aware that I needed to present a teaching session (appendix 4). This was good as it helped me decide on what to do. This reflection also helped me understand that one of the most important issues in mental health if not heath and social care at large is risk management. I got support and encouragement from my mentor and another newly qualified staff. Positive feed back and realising how my confidence had grown in those twenty minutes I had delivered the teaching felt very rewarding for my efforts. The challenges of deciding on the subject and planning of the teaching were unnerving. I was aware of my disadvantaged position that I was going to teach people who in all probability knew and had more experience on the subject than me, which who did not help my confidence regardless of what Thompson, (2004) suggested. This was not helped by one member of staff who encouraged me to abandoning the teaching on the last point. He was not clear on his reasons but maybe felt he was doing me a favour. The timing of the teaching at the end of a staff meeting was not favourable and conducive for such a topic which could be very dry. The planned media of delivery of power-point was not available although contingency plans were in place. See appendix 5. Teaching requires preparation. The first consideration was who I was to teach. Knowing that I was going to teach experienced practitioners in their own area of practice was un-nerving. When you teach something you need to impart some knowledge and you want to make worthwhile the student’s time. I was not sure what I should teach on. I had to find a topic which I would be able to research on and give some interesting knowledge that would be valued by my audience. This was partly achieved by basing my teaching on the critical incident that everyone was aware of. Reflective learning was achieved by the presentation which focussed on a known incident allowing the participants to discuss issues around that incident and relate it with the theory. Cropley (1981) contends that adults learn best when encouraged to relate learning to their experience. Baud, et al (1985) also talked about leaning being enhanced by the use of experience, ideas and the reflective process and looking at the outcomes. In a group with nurses and other professions social workers, occupational therapists, doctors and psychologists as well as an administrator the language was important (Haward, 2004). This is an issue I had not seriously considered initially on the basis that this was one team which had been together for a long time. But during my presentation I quickly realised that this was not the case when I had to elaborate or explain certain terms as well change substitute some terms as I continued. This lack of consideration could have left the participant uncomfortable or miss to fully benefit from the session. When teaching adults you need to treat them as adults and the same treatment should be expected from them (Knowles, 1984) making choose the androgogal approach. Although I was the one teaching my position was peculiar as I was aware that I could be the one with the least knowledge on the subject in the room. I managed to realise and accept this short coming in knowledge on the basis that I cannot know everything. I also accepted that preparing and delivering this session makes me a learner and teacher at the same time. My learning was not limited to the researched material but also the discussions during the session and the experience of delivering the session, increasing my confidence (Thompson, 2004). One important consideration was the environment. The need to ensure basic intrinsic needs (Maslow, 1987) of physiological comfort and safety could not be overlooked. This was initially not an issue as the room was prepared for the meeting. But as the time dragged on tiredness might have become a factor although this was not explicit. I was aware of this; I can recall trying to go through my presentation before anyone excused themselves. The timing of the session at the end of the meeting was good in that the largest audience was available after the team meeting and the meeting room was prepared already. Also this did not affect the work of any staff as they were all scheduled to be available at that time. Initially there was passivity but progressively participation improved as questions were discussed among the participants. My fear was that this will be centred on me as the teacher (Quinn, 2000). Being aware of my limitation my audience could have missed out on those areas I could not fully articulate. Handout were prepared and used for this session. Personally I would have preferred to use power point for two reasons. Firstly I am used to using power point and I can manipulate the presentation (Sammons, 1997). I am someone who likes to use the latest technology and aids available especially with environmental awareness on my mind. The second reason is that power point will help to divert some attention from me the presenter. This was topic so crucial that the student and mentor should work closely in partnership. In this way I will have gained more from getting a closer insight into what informed the mentor’s actions and a practical view of the issues at hand. The rest of the team members will also benefit more broaden view point (Jasper, 2003). With hindsight I could have discussed with the staff member who was discouraging me from carrying the teaching, challenging his position. Some practitioners are only concerned about doing the minimum to do the job, treating education as an extra to necessity, described by Conway (1996) as ‘traditionalists’ and by Houle (1980), as ‘Laggards’ who resist both learning and new ideas. The topic of risk assessment is such a vast topic and given the opportunity I had on this occasion I could do justice to this important issue. I could revisit my ability to set work towards realistic goals that are achievable within my personal and professional life (Cropley, 1981). This was a learning opportunity which I will nurture and utilise to develop myself and other professionals. Critical incidents are learning opportunities for everyone concerned staff and clients alike. My role as nurse requires me to be an educator and a health promoter. To this end a teaching session on such an incident should include experienced staff and clients in preparations and delivery where possible (Manthorpe and Alaszewski, 2000). I will also consider delivering a similar teaching to educate the clients as well especially those who were part of such an incident (NHS SMS, 2007). Conclusion After this process of reflection I can realise the importance of life long learning (DH, 2001). In nursing there are many challenging situations which are so varied; one is expected to fully appreciate the need to continuous update and keeping one self abreast with skills and knowledge. Challenging situations occur on a daily basis and unless we are prepared for them the quality of care will suffer. Some of these incidents will leave staff at the ‘end of their wits’ and may affect their confidence. More skills and knowledge will become hand especially in challenging engagement situations where there will not be time to look up things. Clinical supervision will form a big part in maintaining and improving competency. Competency as a nurse is critical and justifies need for PREP (NMC, 2004a) for transition for newly qualified nurses and need for life long learning requirements of KSF standards (DH, 2003) Reflection will help one to identify areas for personal and professional development. This will go a long way helping the KSF and clinical governance requirements (Scally and Donaldson, 1998). All these factors to enhance the nurse’s knowledge and skills are prerequisites for responsibility and authority which underpin accountability. Skills and knowledge in professional practice brings the ability to exercise professional judgement.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Irish Culture free essay sample

When thinking of the Irish culture, what does one think of? Clovers? Drunken men? Maybe so, but are those how true Irishmen and woman would see it. They would merely see it as a Shamrock and having a good time with friends and family telling folktales around a fire. The Irish culture is unique. One filled with joy, passion, and yes, maybe a few drinks. Today I am here to enlightening you about Irish wedding customs, cuisine and tradition of the kitchen, as well as folklore and myths. One thing that every different culture expresses uniquely is a marriage, or wedding.A typical Irish traditional wedding is a beautiful ceremony. From the stunning attire of both the bride and groom, traditionally the later would be dressed in a kilt made from the tartan of his clan, whereas the bride would usually wear white to show her purity. There is an old saying about the color of the brides dress†¦ Marry in white, everything’s right Marry in blue, lover be true Marry in pink, spirit’s will sink Marry in gray, live far away Marry in brown, live out of town Marry in green, ashamed to be seenMarry in yellow, ashamed of your fellow Marry in black, wish you were back Marry in red, wish you were dead Marry in tan, he’ll be a loved man Marry in pearl, you’ll live in a whirl†¦ Having said this, you might be able to fathom what such a unique wedding may be like in an Irish culture. We will write a custom essay sample on Irish Culture or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Secondly, I would like to educate you about Irish cuisine. A traditional Irish meal is usually made up of very simple ingredients and is extremely easy to cook. Most Irish food recipes are made up of vegetables, meat or fish.These are the core ingredients for any traditional dish and have been the main source of food in Ireland for hundreds of years. It is practically a sin to leave the house on an empty stomach if one is Irish. The Full Irish Breakfast is famous throughout the world as being the only way to start the day. Also, an Irish woman knows the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach†¦ and in homes all across Ireland girls are taught how to cook that special breakfast if she ever wants to have a husband.Irish culture in the kitchen has influenced other nations and cultures all around and even America today. Lastly and most interestingly is Irish folktale and myths. Stories have been, and still are told around the fire, usually with the storyteller enjoying a ‘wee drop o the black stuff to wet his whistle’†¦ if you know what I mean. Family stories are passed down generation by generation. Irish families everywhere around an older family member and listen wide eyed as they are taken on an epic adventure full of danger and excitement.Many of the most fantastic tales and myths originate from Irish folktales such as the Leprechaun, the Lock Ness Monster and many more. Story telling plays a big part in the Irish culture and influences modern stories. In closing I hope that you all are now more aware, mindful, and hopefully respectful of the Irish culture knowing more about the traditions, cooking, and tales. This culture has been highly influential to the rest of the world for years and continues to be today. Without out it, one of you in this room may not be where you are today.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Essay Topics For the Tell Tale Heart

Essay Topics For the Tell Tale HeartYour reading level or what I like to call 'the tell tale heart' can help you decide which essay topics for the tell tale heart. You see, as a child, a tell tale heart tells us who we are. It is one of the first things you notice about other people, like how they laugh or how they talk, so it is important that we recognize how we talk.This tells us about how well we understand ourselves, so it is important that we study that part of ourselves when we study essay topics for the tell tale heart. What's more, it is very likely that if we do not fully understand ourselves then we will not fully understand the people around us either.As the first child in our family, it was expected that we would talk a lot. So it is not surprising that we would not fully understand the differences in our family and the differences between people around us.While we grew up we learned that it was okay to talk and that it was okay to lie, so we did, over again. We would ta lk about many things that were not really important but because we did not fully understand the differences, we could not see the difference.So, when we took college courses that covered these issues, we went through the motions. The professor gave us lectures, we listened, we looked, we heard, but the differences between people were hidden. We could not make them out, but because we did not understand what was true for us, we could not really tell the difference between true and false.You see, while the tell tale heart is important to everyone, it is especially important for kids and students because their friends and families are there for them to tell them what is true and what is not. If they do not hear what is true for them, they cannot tell the difference between true and false, and they do not get along with their friends and family, much less those that do.All of this is why it is important that we understand who we are in comparison to those that are different from us. The Tell Tale Heart is vital to understanding the world around us and how we will relate to those around us.So, when you are considering essay topics for the tell tale heart, you should always ask yourself who you are in comparison to someone else, how you behave, and what you believe. Do you sit still or talk a lot? You might also be curious about how your friends and family treat you, and how you behave yourself when you come home.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Domain Level Cookies JavaScript Example

Domain Level Cookies JavaScript Example Web sites often have a www. sub-domain that points to the same content as the main domain. With session cookies our visitor has either accessed our site with the www. or they have accessed it without and so the fact that a cookie created for is not accessible from isnt going to matter. With first-party cookies, a visitor may very easily access our site the first time as and the second time as and so we want to create a cookie that will be accessible from both. Creating a Domain Level Cookie To make a cookie accessible from the entire domain including any sub-domains we just add a domain parameter when setting the cookie as demonstrated in this JavaScript example. You should, of course, substitute your own domain name for (as is a domain name specifically reserved for use in examples where it represents whatever domain name you are really using.) writeCookie function(cname, cvalue, days) {var dt, expires;dt new Date();dt.setTime(dt.getTime()(days*24*60*60*1000));expires ; expiresdt.toGMTString();document.cookie cnamecvalueexpires;;}